How far along? 17 weeks
Baby size: An onion. Averaging 5.1 inches long and weighing 5.9 ounces.
Total weight gain/loss: I gained 10lbs during my first trimester (ouch!), but now I am holding steady. I have weighed the same for the past 6 weeks. I think all the weight gain was from my breast, lol; I have literally gone up 2 1/2 cup sizes. I had to pack up all my bras and get new ones. Thank God for Soma Intimates!
Maternity clothes? As you will soon find out, I already have an extensive maternity wardrobe; but I am still able to wear a lot of my regular clothes. I have been enjoying mixing and matching the two wardrobes, as I am not ready to give up on some of my most coveted items.
Stretch marks? Not yet and praying to the stretch mark Gods that it doesn’t happen. I slather on my Mustela, Mama Mio, and Clarins twice a day. I know it’s a little overkill; but I just couldn’t decide which one to use…so, I use them ALL.
Sleep: Horrible. Absolutely horrible! I still wake up twice during the night to use the bathroom. Usually after the second time, I never really get back to sleep good.
Best moment this week: Because I am high risk, I see a perinatal specialist every week to check on my cervix and the baby every two weeks. But for the next few weeks I will be seeing her weekly, so I get to see my little one four weeks in a row.
Miss Anything? I miss being able to sleep soundly through night. Unfortunately, I don’t see that happening in my future for another 16 years!!
Movement: I’ve been feeling little bits and pieces of movement. It kind of feels like little small goldfish swimming in my stomach.
Food cravings: I haven’t been craving anything unusual this week, which is good thing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Any strong, pungent odor; and I also get nauseous when I forget to eat and my stomach gets completely empty.
Maternity clothes? As you will soon find out, I already have an extensive maternity wardrobe; but I am still able to wear a lot of my regular clothes. I have been enjoying mixing and matching the two wardrobes, as I am not ready to give up on some of my most coveted items.
Stretch marks? Not yet and praying to the stretch mark Gods that it doesn’t happen. I slather on my Mustela, Mama Mio, and Clarins twice a day. I know it’s a little overkill; but I just couldn’t decide which one to use…so, I use them ALL.
Sleep: Horrible. Absolutely horrible! I still wake up twice during the night to use the bathroom. Usually after the second time, I never really get back to sleep good.
Best moment this week: Because I am high risk, I see a perinatal specialist every week to check on my cervix and the baby every two weeks. But for the next few weeks I will be seeing her weekly, so I get to see my little one four weeks in a row.
Miss Anything? I miss being able to sleep soundly through night. Unfortunately, I don’t see that happening in my future for another 16 years!!
Movement: I’ve been feeling little bits and pieces of movement. It kind of feels like little small goldfish swimming in my stomach.
Food cravings: I haven’t been craving anything unusual this week, which is good thing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Any strong, pungent odor; and I also get nauseous when I forget to eat and my stomach gets completely empty.
Have you started to show yet: Yes sir, I sure have and I love it!
Gender: We are not finding out the sex of the baby. What a big surprise it will be on delivery day. I can’t wait!
Gender: We are not finding out the sex of the baby. What a big surprise it will be on delivery day. I can’t wait!
Symptoms: Round ligament pain (ouch!); hungry all the time.
Belly Button in or out? In, but it is getting really shallow.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: My belly getting bigger and having Omar feel the baby kick!
Belly Button in or out? In, but it is getting really shallow.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: My belly getting bigger and having Omar feel the baby kick!
Hey I wish I looked that good when I was pregnant. Unfortunately I also did not take any pictures of myself when my belly was starting to get huge, Love your pose! I also relied on Soma intimates at that time. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much! Soma has been a life saver!
Hey I wish I looked that good when I was pregnant. Unfortunately I also did not take any pictures of myself when my belly was starting to get huge, Love your pose! I also relied on Soma intimates at that time. Thanks for sharing.
Hello gorgeous! These are such a beautiful photos!
I have tagged you with the beauty blogger post 🙂 have a look here –> http://domesstique.blogspot.de/2013/07/lets-get-pretty.html
looking forward for your answers!